Tuesday, October 28, 2014

October 28th Homework: Editing and Revision

Make all revisions including the ones on the revise and edit sheet seen below.  After all the highlighting and editions, print out your best draft with all your changes for Monday, November 3rd. Bring all drafts to class.

 Rough Draft – Personal/College Essay                       Name___________________
Revise and Edit

Do the following on your rough draft.  I need to see evidence of revision (highlight, mark up, change, etc.) and that you have worked hard to make your final paper your best possible work.

q  Read for a strong exploration of an idea or experience that led you to a new insight or discovery.
q  Read for how a confession of personal experience creates something that resonates beyond itself (Leslie Jamison).
q  Mark where you stray from the topic.
q  Highlight the thesis statement.  Is it specific enough and well worded?
q  What kind of introductory lead did you create? 
q  Check for your characters “voice prints” with your dialogue and character description.
q  Check for blocking and details about setting
q  Highlight any place where you don’t present your narrative in chronological order. If out of order, draw an arrow indicating where the discussion should be moved or indicate that that particular section is a flashback.
q  Mark any place where details or transition statements need to be added for clarity.
q  Highlight the phrases in conclusion, to summarize, and finally.  Take these out.
q  Check to see if your conclusion emphasizes the point of your essay, provides a climax, helps readers remember your piece, looks to the future, summarizes, and/or finishes with a quote.  Add more detail if your essay doesn’t do this.
Important Detail
q  Look for any place you can combine sentences and cut the fat.
q  Check for proper punctuation of dialogue.
q  Highlight where you included a list.
q  Check for stylistic maturity using a variety of sentence structures.  Highlight your short sentence.
q  Appropriate paragraph breaks
q  Count how many commas you have in one of your average-length paragraphs.  Do you have too many commas, not enough?
q  Highlight where you used a dash, parentheses, or a semi-colon. Check usage.
q  Check for remaining in first person (I) instead of second (you).  One first-person exception: cut out the following phrase “I think that”.
Final Detail
q  Read out loud to yourself.
q  Spelling, grammar, punctuation.
q  MLA format.

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