This senior-level course’s central focus will examine the reasons why conflict is a component of human nature and why humans strive for a better world. The course will begin with exploring internal conflict, then quickly progress to studying external conflict.  Readings are compiled from a variety of sources, to include both fiction and non-fiction, and both classical and contemporary.  Selections span the history of the written word, including Unbroken, The Other Wes Moore, Debs at War, Kite Runner, Henry V, and Slaughterhouse-Five.  Poetry, short stories, essays, and documentaries will also be a part of the course. 

All students will be expected to complete a senior thesis in which students conduct an in-depth exploration of a significant contemporary issue.  Students will go through an extensive process exploring topics, writing annotated bibliographies, drafting, revising and editing to complete the 7 to 10 page essay.

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