Tuesday, October 28, 2014

October 28th Homework: Editing and Revision

Make all revisions including the ones on the revise and edit sheet seen below.  After all the highlighting and editions, print out your best draft with all your changes for Monday, November 3rd. Bring all drafts to class.

 Rough Draft – Personal/College Essay                       Name___________________
Revise and Edit

Do the following on your rough draft.  I need to see evidence of revision (highlight, mark up, change, etc.) and that you have worked hard to make your final paper your best possible work.

q  Read for a strong exploration of an idea or experience that led you to a new insight or discovery.
q  Read for how a confession of personal experience creates something that resonates beyond itself (Leslie Jamison).
q  Mark where you stray from the topic.
q  Highlight the thesis statement.  Is it specific enough and well worded?
q  What kind of introductory lead did you create? 
q  Check for your characters “voice prints” with your dialogue and character description.
q  Check for blocking and details about setting
q  Highlight any place where you don’t present your narrative in chronological order. If out of order, draw an arrow indicating where the discussion should be moved or indicate that that particular section is a flashback.
q  Mark any place where details or transition statements need to be added for clarity.
q  Highlight the phrases in conclusion, to summarize, and finally.  Take these out.
q  Check to see if your conclusion emphasizes the point of your essay, provides a climax, helps readers remember your piece, looks to the future, summarizes, and/or finishes with a quote.  Add more detail if your essay doesn’t do this.
Important Detail
q  Look for any place you can combine sentences and cut the fat.
q  Check for proper punctuation of dialogue.
q  Highlight where you included a list.
q  Check for stylistic maturity using a variety of sentence structures.  Highlight your short sentence.
q  Appropriate paragraph breaks
q  Count how many commas you have in one of your average-length paragraphs.  Do you have too many commas, not enough?
q  Highlight where you used a dash, parentheses, or a semi-colon. Check usage.
q  Check for remaining in first person (I) instead of second (you).  One first-person exception: cut out the following phrase “I think that”.
Final Detail
q  Read out loud to yourself.
q  Spelling, grammar, punctuation.
q  MLA format.

Cutting the Fat Tool Kit

Cutting the Fat Tool Kit

Friday, October 24, 2014

Homework for the Next Week

Drafts of your personal/college essay are due:

October 27
October 28
November 3

Final draft due November 4

Bring all drafts to class to show me your changes from one draft to another.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Personal/College Essay

Personal Essay

Prompt: The culminating writing assignment for the students’ exploration of the concept of self identity and the individual in conflict is a personal essay or, alternatively, a college essay.  This essay should be about the writer’s exploration of an idea or experience that leads her/him to a new insight or discovery.  The previous work in this curriculum unit provided you with a portfolio of writings to draw from, but you may want to start fresh with your own idea. 

College Essay Option:  If you need a college essay, this writing assignment will work for that purpose.  Get the essay prompt and instructions for your college of interest.  These should be available at college websites.

Materials Needed:
-          portfolio of previous writings
-          Write Source for grade 12


1) Review the charts you filled in as a pre-assessment activity for this unit.  We looked at     “Salvation” by Langston Hughes – p. 210 and “Living Like Weasels” by Annie Dillard – p. 143.

For writing the essay and additional models, refer to Write Source for grade 12:
Personal Essay – Write Source p. 141 – 154
College Essay – Write Source p. 155 - 161

Length: 500-750 words (this is negotiable for those writing the college essay option)

Due Dates:
Draft 1: October 27
Draft 2: October 28
Draft 3: November 3
Final Draft: November 4 (80 summative points, 20 Non-academic)

Friday, October 17, 2014

Non-Fiction Group Project Due Thursday, October 23

Non-Fiction Group Project Instructions

Project Instructions: While reading your non-fiction book, you kept track in your journals of how individuals or groups of people were identified, categorized or discriminated against based on their gender, age, social class, religion, race, and national origin.  You also paid close attention to who had privilege and why, and who were the oppressed and why.  Another aspect you were to consider was how people define themselves and how they were defined by others and were different from others.  Now, you need to share what you noted with your partners and create a group project that visually reflects what you’ve learned.  You also need to have a connection to at least one of the other texts we have read, viewed, or listened to during this unit.  You will present this to the class.

How you do this is up to you, but here are some formatting suggestions: a scrapbook; a painting; pop-up book; video; musical performance where you create your own lyrics, and even better, a tune to go with it; a PowerPoint; a Prezi; found art.  Try to do something new that challenges you or something you’ve learned in another class that can be practiced through this project.

Requirements: Form a group of 2 or 3 people with those who have read the same book as you.  Somewhere in the project you need to have the following: 3 quotes from your book, 3 images that reflect ideas, concepts, or characters in your book, 3 connections to other works (these can be written, implied, or symbolically represented for example).  Your grade will also be based on your contribution to the project, the perceived care given to the project, and professional production.  You are also required to complete a final reflection on your personal growth while doing the project.  No one will receive credit for the group project without this personal reflection.

Due Dates:
Points Possible: 50

How To Write a Personal Essay

How To Write A Personal Essay Article

Thursday, October 2, 2014

October 2 Homework due Tuesday, October 9

Moral Dilemma: Write about a time when faced with a moral dilemma.  Mention or indicate what written or unwritten law was violated, and describe the dilemma and the actions taken in detail.  Your narrative should be typed and at least one page long.  Due on Monday.